"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." -Alan Cohen

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It is in those daily happenings that make life so spectacular

Xiomara, Irene, Patty and Me. Friday night dance crew. They teach me how to move :)
Sitting here with the realization that my days in Madrid are numbered, only 10 in fact, and I am dumbfounded at how fast the time has flown. Just yesterday I was pulling weeds and moving rocks in view of the Slane Castle in Ireland with only a hint of what my life in Madrid would be life. Now, everything is coming to a close. Last papers, projects, tests are in route, not to mention the last bucket list of things I want to do and experience before the semester wraps up (eat at the local restaurant, walk through Park retiro again, enjoy many tapas, Christmas bike tour through the streets of Madrid, see a snowy mountain town near Madrid, see live music at a Jazz bar, eat the delicious croissants from the local Ecuadorian bakery, and the list goes on). I have been blessed with many travels this semester, but I must admit that a lot of my favorite memories are the everyday events that go on. Tapas with friends, making a spanish dinner, walking through the streets of Madrid, speaking in spanish, watching a futbol game, grabbing lunch after church with friends.... Before I get more nostalgic and reminiscent, I want to keep updating you on the daily life adventures that have occurred here in Madrid...
Fashion Museum

Kira and Me about to go enjoy some delicious tea

Just before Harry Potter 7!!


Here was a Jazz musician from Mississippi that we saw in a Jazz bar in Madrid.

There is something to live music... it was fantastic.

Me, Gina, Meghan and Jion. On our way to grab lunch after a long week of school!

Jion after she rescued her wallet from the tracks....  eekkk.
Random Kayak Race in the lake at Park Retiro

SNOW DAY (well rain day, but I pretended it was a snow day...complete with lentil soup) Roomies and Nikol!

In La Latina, my favorite part of Madrid.

Some great great people.

CHRISTMAS TREE. This tree was slowly built in November and at the accumulation of all of our excitement they turned the lights on at the beginning of December!
Cortilandia- a place for little kids to come play. Naturally we had to go.

Random beautiful buildings of Madrid

Metropolis Building

Banco de Espana
Friend and Family, I love and miss you all!

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