"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." -Alan Cohen

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running with the bulls: Kings, Gaudi and Fabio (Part 1)

I've been fortunate enough to travel around Spain in the weeks that I have been here. Travel along with me.


As a program we went to a small town outside of Madrid, Segovia. The name encapsels all that you would think it would be. Quaint, charming, and full of character. After the bustling city of Madrid it was nice to experience something so beautiful. We went to a castle first, then to an amazing cathedral, enjoyed a fancy dinner of 'suckling pig', admired a Roman aqueduct and finally strode through the royal gardens.

 This place is BEAUTIFUL. This is where the King and Queen used to live... what a rough life.

Tiffani, me, Olivia and Hannah

The Patronato del Alcazar de Segovia. This is where royalty used to live... it was created during the mid-evil times so it has a 'knight and shining armor' flair

After walking all the way to the top of the castle... taking a breather

View from the top

The Cathedral of Segovia.

Preachers used to preach through these bars... weird

It was huge

Beautiful Organ


We all sat down to a fancy lunch

Enjoyed some suckling pig... a Segovian specialty

This is the a wine store owner, he is our new friend

The roman aqueduct... there are remnants of Rome all over Spain

The Palace Gardens

A natural flowing fountain.

 Parts 2 & 3 to come...


  1. Kate, I L O V E all your pictures!!!! Your blog is absoulty fun fun fun to read. I look forward to the next posting. Enjoy all your time there!!! Lots of hugs. Margie

  2. I find it extremely difficult to believe that you actually ate that suckling pig! Yucky!!
